
I devoted myself to training in Urologic Surgery over nearly 20 years, with countless hours spent studying, dozens of research studies and thousands of operations on men and women with conditions of the urinary tract.

I have particularly devoted many years of my life to research and surgical training in cutting edge surgical treatments for prostate and bladder cancer, training under world experts at the best hospitals and performing research in collaboration with other top Urologists from around the world.

In this way, I have developed the skills and experience necessary to ensure that:

  •  you receive the right treatment for you;

  • your treatment is personalised and tailored to your individual circumstances, needs and preferences;

  • you have access for the latest cutting edge treatments, which may not be available to others;

  • if you need surgery, you will have the best chance of achieving a great outcome and the lowest chance of complications and side effects with a surgeon who has extensive sub-specialist training in the area of your condition and performs these surgeries regularly.


I became a doctor because I want to care for people who are unwell and help those in need. 

I understand that this can be a stressful time; you are physically unwell and may be afraid or anxious with many questions in your mind or being asked by your loved ones, for example:

  • What are the treatment options, and which treatment should you choose?

  • What exactly will your treatment involve, in detail?

  • What side effects might you experience?

  • What are the risks? 

  • Can your condition be cured?

 I will treat you with care and respect, and will take the time to explain everything your need to know, as well as answer all your questions.

 In this way, we can together choose the right treatment for you and tailor it to your needs, to achieve the best possible outcome. 

 In this way, you can feel comfortable, confident in the team looking after you and  in control of your treatment journey.

 If you need and choose to undergo any surgery, rest assured I will follow you up carefully and for as long as you need, to ensure a full recovery and the best outcome, until you are back to your best.


I live and work according to the principles of honesty and integrity, always focussing on the best interests of my patients.

When weighing up all treatment options, I will discuss honestly the pro’s and con’s of each treatment choice and recommend the treatment which I honestly believe is in your best interests, not mine. 

As a patient, you must be aware of conflict of interest and bias in surgeons, who may (sub-consciously) give a biased opinion in favour of surgery over non-surgical treatments such as observation, radiation, medication, etc for their own gain. You can rest assured, that I am very aware of such biases and conflicts amongst surgeons, and maintain complete integrity without bias when I discuss treatment options and give my opinion on which treatment is best for you.

I also discuss all cases in a weekly multi-disciplinary team meeting with over a dozen colleagues across a range of specialities, including urology, radiology, pathology, radiation oncology, medical oncology, nuclear medicine, renal medicine, etc. At this meeting, I can discuss your individual case with a large group of experts to reach agreement on which is the best treatment for you.

I will usually offer a second opinion from a group of trusted colleagues across urology, radiation oncology and medical oncology who I have hand picked because they share my values of excellence, compassion and integrity. In this way, you have the benefit of hearing the opinion and advice of multiple experts from a variety of fields.